Hand blast cabinets
Clean things: energy-saving, safe, resource-saving.
MHG blast machines do not save on quality, but on operating costs. This is ensured by the energy-efficient technology, lighting units with energy-saving lamps and the MHG energy-saving system that switches off the exhaust fan and lighting automatically when the blasting cubicle is not in use. A press on the foot pedal suffices and the blasting process is reactivated without having to manually switch on the blasting cubicle.
Another safety advantage is provided by electrical switch-off devices which automatically interrupt the blasting process - as per the latest workplace safety regulations - as soon as the car doors are opened.
The special design of the MHG blast machines with large viewing windows and lateral doors that close even after years of operation enables safe handling of the workpieces and precise, dust-free blasting. Special air intake ducts above the viewing window additionally enhance the view when blasting. In addition, the effective insulation of the blast cabinets helps to noticeably lower the noise level at the workplace.
Finally, the innovative MHG abrasive recovery system guarantees low consumption and consistently high quality of the blasting medium. In this way, efficiency and excellent blasting results are optimally combined.
Our blasting cubicles can be used for a wide variety of tasks in blasting technology: Surface treatment, cleaning, deburring or finishing of metal, glass or wood are just a few examples of their application. Both the injection technique, in which the blasting agent is sucked by means of negative pressure from the reservoir, as well as pressure blasting are available. For our standard devices, you will find hand-held blasting machines with one, two or three workstations.
A blast cabin from MHG consists of three components:
- The vacuum cabin
Here the machining of the workpiece takes place. Hand cabins with one or more workstations or automatic machines are available. The negative pressure in the blast cabinets is created by the suction device, which dissipates contaminants and spent blasting material into the second component. - The recovery system with storage tank
Here, the processed material is separated from the blasting material. This is done by a combination of cyclone cutter, coarse filter screen and magnetic separation. The blasting material is processed for further use, saving time and money. The storage container is completely separated from the blasting chamber, so that disturbances or blockages in the blasting medium hose are avoided. - The filter system
A cartridge filter takes over the dedusting of the blasting room. This always ensures optimum visibility of the workpiece to be machined and blasting agent and processing residues are deposited in the dust bucket. The residual dust content of our filter systems is far below the legally required minimum values.
These three components of our systems are optimally matched to each other and enable trouble-free work with consistent beam quality. Our sandblasting cabins are available both as hand cabins and as automatic systems.
Further properties of MHG blasting cabins
Our blasting cubicles are available with injector blasting and blast cleaning. A blasting system with injector jets is especially suitable for deburring or cleaning metal surfaces. A pressure blasting system is used by its optimal metering especially for descaling and paint stripping.
Both types of equipment achieve precise results when processing individual pieces as well as when processing surfaces. Thanks to the recovery system, our systems are environmentally friendly and energy-saving. Which blasting cabin is suitable for your requirements, we will be pleased to clarify with you in a competent consultation.
Sandblast cabins also as a special order
If sandblast booths are to be used in your production, MHG will not only find tried and tested standard systems: we will develop and build the sand blasting system that you need for your tasks in consultation with you. In our in-house test center we have the opportunity to implement the latest developments in blasting technology for individual customer requirements.
For more than 25 years we have been developing innovative blasting machines that are convincing in different fields of application: in metal, glass and wood processing, in cleaning, surface finishing, deburring. Talk to us and describe your production task: We design the individual solution for you.
Whether special order or model from our program: Quality and longevity characterize all our systems. Thanks to the special recovery system, energy and cost-saving work is also possible: A cyclone separator separates residues and blasting agents, so that the latter is available again for use with sandblasting.
Our sand blasting cubicles work energy-saving and quiet
All sandblasting cabins have a vacuum booth in sturdy sheet steel construction. The doors close dust-tight and are double-skinned, to achieve particularly efficient noise insulation. The built-in energy-saving function automatically switches off the lighting and the extraction if the unit is not used for a certain period of time. They are put back into operation via the foot pedal as well as the blasting glands.
Economical blasting agent consumption
The sandblast cabins have their own recovery system connected. In this, the residues from the blasting process of good, usable blasting agent are separated. The blasting agent is then re-fed to the blasting process.
For blasting media, we offer a wide range of different materials, e.g. Glass, corundum or synthetic resin in different screenings. They are all usable in our sandblasting booth and allow you to tune the abrasive to the particular blasting material.